Posted 18 years ago - wow. Haven't read your whole post but one thing stood out the ref to 1984. Did you realise that George Orwell based his Ministry of Truth on the BBC?
Program makers at the BBC have been much influenced by Hollywood communicators/film makers and the founder of PR - Sigmund Freud's nephew who paved the way for today's advertising. It was part of a sustained cultural attack which I believe was due to the fact that Marxism had failed on purely economic terms. Therefore, something else was needed.
Orwell was criticising Communism from a left-wing perspective.
My take on it is that the issue is not just about false religion, it is also spin, the destruction of logic and seeking to influence people with a view to entrapment rather than the freedom and loving kindness that Jesus Christ is all about.
2 + 2 = 4 except when we say it equals 5.
But if you know the truth about maths (plus some), it will set you free from nuked logic. Incidentally in the Greek, Jesus' disciples are called mathete. Jesus expected them to think and work things out.